Paper Presentation
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- Font: Times New Roman 12pt, Spacing: 1.5 spacing, Abstract: 250 words max.
- No. of pages: 15 pages (max) including all figures,
graphs, abstract and references
- Two hard copies and one soft copy (HTML or Word
Document) of the file in a CD or floppy must be sent.
- The abstract of the paper must be mailed to
- A demand draft for Rs.200/- per paper for non-IEEE
- Rs.150/- per paper for IEEE members (Xerox copy of IEEE id card to be
sent) in favor of "The Principal, SNIST" payable at
Hyderabad [OR] preferably in cash must be sent along with the material.
- PRIZES :1st prize (per Dept.): Rs 2,000/-
2nd prize (per Dept.): Rs 1,500/-
Mini Project Presentation
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- Send us an abstract of your mini project not
exceeding 250 words.
- Mention all the facilities required for the smooth
running of the project.
- Each team may consist of a maximum of 3
- A demand draft for Rs.100/- per contestant per
project, in favor of "The Principal, SNIST" payable at Hyderabad must be sent
along with abstract.
- PRIZES:1st prize (per Dept.): Rs
2nd prize (per Dept.): Rs 1,000/-
Poster Presentation
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- Send us your topic in the same format as that for
the paper presentation.
- The papers will be scrutinized for the paper and
poster competition together and the category evaluated based on the
- PRIZES:1st prize (per Dept.): Rs
2nd prize (per Dept.): Rs 1,000/-
Web designing
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- Participants need to build their website and upload it to any free web hosting site.
Only the link to the homepage of the site is to be mailed to
- Each team may consist of a maximum of 2 persons.
- A demand draft for Rs.100/- per contestant per site, in favor of "The Principal, SNIST" payable at Hyderabad must be sent along with link of the site.
- PRIZES:1st prize: Rs 1,000/-
thru the Logic
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- Spot Registration.
- No registration cost .
- The contest will be for one and a half hour the
problem being given on the spot.
- PRIZES:1st prize: Rs 1,000/-
Quiz Competition
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- Spot Registration.
- No registration cost.
- Each team may consist of a maximum of 3
- Preliminary round to be held in the morning session
of the day and qualified teams will go into the final contest.
- PRIZES:1st prize: Rs
2nd prize: Rs 900/-
Young Manager Contest
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- No registration fee.
- Registration on spot.
- 1st prize: Rs 1,500/-