Frequently Asked Questions
What all branches are the competitions open
What is the restriction on the topics?
What all do I need to send along with the
If I'm an IEEE, how do I send my membership
How do I come to SNIST?
Will the accommodation be provided for out-station
Whom do I contact for details?
1.What all branches are the
competitions open for?
All the competitions are
open for all branches of engineering.
2.What is the restriction on the
Participants can choose
any topic of their choice which fall under the branches mentioned above.
Preferably the topics chosen can be about the latest
3.What all do I
need to send along with the paper/project?
For the entries to be
considered valid the following things should be sent along with the
Two hard copies of the paper.
One soft copy of the abstract in HTML or Word
Document only should be sent in a CD or floppy.
One copy of the abstract should be mailed
Xerox copy of IEEE
identification card.
A demand draft in favor of Principal, SNIST
payable at Hyderabad.
4.If I'm an IEEE,
how do I send my membership details?
Send a Xerox copy of your
IEEE identification card along with your paper/poster.
5.How do I come to SNIST?
Please refer the route
map of the college here
If you are an out-station candidate, our
student volunteers will be guiding you to SNIST from the allotted
6.Will the
accommodation be provided for out-station candidates?
Yes, accommodation will
be provided for out-station candidates. Our student volunteers will pick u up at
the station and accompany you to the allotted accommodation and later to
7.Whom do I contact for
You can always mail your
queries to .For
contacting us via phone please refer the "Contact" section of