We,the IEEE-SNIST, are a very active branch and have meetings once a week on Fridays.We at these meetings conduct various activities to develop technical,communicative,managerial and organizational skills.
Technical Aptitude We conduct weekly seminars and paper presentations.The basic idea behind presenting a technical paper is that the student improves his knowledge base and also shares his knowledge with his fellow members.The technical papers and seminars help us to keep up pace with today's world,in which technology evolvesat every moment.
Interpersonal skills The world is fiercely competitive,and what any student needs is just not good academic and sound technical background,but also to develop soft skills .We hold regular group discussions;debates,quiz contests,elocutions,jam sessions and other activities which help us to develop the interpersonal skills.We also invite eminent people and scientists to conduct seminars and workshops in various field of science,technology and effective communication.
Conducting ADASTRA on a yearly basis is proof enough of the zeal and motivation levels at IEEE-SNIST